Business Data

 A fully integrated marketing database is the foundation of successful direct marketing. Today's marketers have more data, from more channels, than ever before-making a database even more of a necessity. All direct marketing channels (email, direct mail, telesales, mobile, etc.) are creating higher volumes of data and adding more complexity to each respective source-forcing each system to effectively manage its own data in an increasingly intricate manner. As each individual system, such as eCommerce, ESP, fulfillment, loyalty, web analytics, etc., grows in complexity, the need for marketing data integration across all data systems and sources grows at an even greater rate. The capability of any single, individual system to manage and integrate data from other systems is inherently lacking. By definition, each individual system functions for its own specialized purpose, not to facilitate and optimize marketing.
B2B Database with Emails

Consequently, the need for a fully integrated marketing database, capable of continuously managing vital marketing data from disparate silos, is greater than ever. It serves as the essential means to integrating all of this data; and to keeping this data in pristine condition, maintained in a perpetually actionable state. ESP, eCommerce, and fulfillment systems may tout their data integration capabilities. But many marketers, through painful experience, know the fallacy of such claims. An ESP is not a marketing database. An eCommerce platform is not a marketing database. A web analytics platform is not a marketing database. Only a marketing database is a marketing database.

B2B Database

If the following does not characterize the database you are using for marketing, then you do not have a fully integrated marketing database:

Trustworthy data-your data is accurate and dependable, in pristine condition

Accessible data-easy access via a web based application, intuitive and built for marketers

Fresh data-your data is always current and up-to-date

Integrated data-all direct marketing data, both offline and offline, cohesively integrated together

Customer and prospect/acquisition data is in one unified, integrated database

B2B Mailing List

Your data is actionable and always ready-to-use; it's not a project to get all of your data together

Your direct marketing data management is routine, predictable, repeatable, and automated; not ad hoc

Marketing department can use and manage its data, without burdening your IT group

Your data is integrated at the unique individual, household, address, email, and phone number level-and any other level needed to support marketing needs

Multi-channel direct marketing is easy and integrated

Ability to run counts and extract lists in minutes

You can analyze your marketing data dynamically and on-the-fly

Recency, Frequency, Monetary (RFM) data is at your fingertips

All suppression data is precisely managed across all channels and all touch points

Demographic, lifestyle, and predictive models are integrated into your marketing database

You can derive meaningful marketing data from your existing raw data and act on it

Custom reports for marketing management are at your fingertips

As your needs evolve, new sources such as social or web analytics can be integrated into the database

Custom business rules are routinely applied to your data, adaptable as your business changes

Promotion history is tracked and can easily be applied; marketing "touch" data can be used for analysis, executing an optimal contact strategy, and facilitating the right blend of multi-channel marketing

For prospect data, marketing touch data elements and history can be leveraged; touch data has proven to be one of the most predictive prospecting data elements

B2B Business Data

The depth and quality of a marketer's database is the key to a successful marketing campaign. It is only ideal to set up a database that will deliver sales leads and ensure increase in revenue. Direct marketing database is one of the most effective strategy you can adopt for your growing business.

It is the idea of generating leads from a detailed list of existing or potential customers. It is a targeted and inexpensive technique when properly executed. Essentially, it is a form of marketing driven by information about customers. The idea of a direct marketing approach goes beyond the straightforward marketing approach of a regular advertisement such as TV or radio, which the customer often discards. A lot of companies have been applying this trend in marketing. One of the best tools that you can use to apply this in your business is your direct marketing database.

Purchasing the business database from an outsourced company puts you in a greater advantage, they will attempt to identify qualified prospective customers by numerous demographic criteria and then market only to those businesses.

What are the specific attributes of a direct marketing database to ensure a successful marketing campaign?

B2B Sales Leads

The database must be detailed enough to identify good leads- Customer's information needs to be detailed enough in order for marketer's to create a meaningful distinctions between those who are likely to purchase you offer and those who would be unqualified these are the people who can't afford or who has no need of your products and services.

It must also be accurate so that the targeted recipients are reached-The marketer don't need to store and update extraneous information of customers that do not have any compelling need. This means that even before the database is used, the marketer must also be really familiar with the market. This can be achieved through the help of the in house data and information or from an outside provider that really knows the demographics or other traits that characterizes a good prospective customers

B2B Data List

It must be flexible enough to allow detailed manipulation and effective maintenance- Detail alone would not ensure a perfect and error-free database. If the mailing addresses or any other information are out of date, the information may be worthless. There are a lot of tools a marketer might use to update the data, you can change the address etc. If you are outsourcing from another company make sure that they have a system that they constantly update the information. Out-of-date records will only cost a lot of wasted money without any promise of returns.

Having the accurate information on the database is crucial. If all the relevant information about potential customers is wrong the marketing strategy will really fail. Maintaining such an accurate data is a challenge, you can have your own in house data or you may also purchase this through commercial vendors.

B2B Business Data List

There a lot of vendors that contains all the names and addresses suited for your target market. You'll be ensured that there is a more detailed data on customers especially when you purchase it commercially. Most often than not all the information is maintained rigorously compared to doing it on your own. These companies usually have the system set up to maintain a data at a lower cost.

Setting up a database is paramount in today's business environment is the cheapest is not the best, inexpensive data are unlikely to have undergone maintenance. An effective direct marketing database is updated regularly, make sure that you look for a company that can deliver quality lead list. That can generate customers upon employing this strategy.

The true power of marketing lies on the idea of further expanding new ways you look at the customers' information. How you use that information to persuade customers and do a purchase will give amazing results for your marketing strategy.

Database presents a lot of benefits, you'll be able to save money and provide measurements on the performance of your marketing plans. If you have a database of all the customers information it would make it more accessible and easier to use. The key is to carefully outline the information so it serves well in future campaigns.

Direct marketing database implies that the list of contacts and direct marketing efforts is generated from a computer database within the company or is rented from an outside source. Most of the entries will be recorded in the database, as time progresses all the information will be recorded and compiled providing an even more complete picture of your customers buying habits.

Before preparing a marketing campaign any marketer should think of better ways to generate the list. Direct marketing database is one of the most valuable marketing assets for you to efficiently identify customers and win new sales for your business.

What are the things your database must have? What can a marketing database do to achieve business goals? It should be able to do the following:

B2B Business Data

Reach customers- Essentially database can make us more effective in reaching customers. This will give you the opportunity to contact more customers who will purchase and affect your business revenue.

Create highly targeted contacts- When you have a database, you'll only find those customers interested in your specific products. You can also view the profile of the very people who will be interested in specific products and buy those products from you.

Track effectiveness- If a business database is properly set up it gives you the opportunity to monitor the effects of your strategies. You'll better identify tactics that works better than others, you'll be more effective in your future endeavors.

B2B Sales Leads

Cost effective- Marketing database allows you to focus more on establishing your target market, if you do that you have better chances of saving more money because you only get to contact only those people who have more probability of buying.

Database marketing provides a very powerful tool in reaching customers and generating leads for your business. The more a marketer knows about customers the better they are to market their products and services.

If you are more efficient in your direct mailing strategy it could potentially get closer to the real target audience. If it has more targeted list your list size will shrink, but so does your postage costs and your lead generating campaign will soar.

It is good to see that there will be an increase in the response rate of your marketing efforts because that correlates with increased sales and revenue.

You need to invest in the list, in the database of contacts. Most marketers would say that 50 % of the marketing success is in the list, the list of target audience. When you make the effort to restructure your database, you'll get the most value for your marketing asset, and will make you more efficient in winning more sales.

B2B Data List

Take the time to review and determine which company can help you achieve your dreams and business goals. Hire a company who can create that database for your business and see how it will help increase your future campaigns.

In this day of Web 2.0 of blogging, websites, search engine marketing, and You Tube, we lose site of the most important fact in marketing. Each of these vehicles represent different contact points of your business' prospects and customers. The "central nervous system" of all this information was (and still is) a "marketing database".

The late Bob Stone in his book, "Successful Direct Marketing Methods, 7th Ed (co authored by Ron Jacobs), defined direct marketing as follows:

Direct Marketing is the interactive use of advertising media, to stimulate an (immediate) behavior modification in such a way that this behavior can be tracked, recorded, analyzed, and stored on a database for future retrieval and use.

The database, and I will refer to it as a "marketing database", is a central part of direct marketing. Without a means of collecting all the information into a logical and meaningful order, your marketing will fail because you lose the ability to track and analyze each campaign's effectiveness and ROI. What is a database? It is a collection of information stored on a computer. A "marketing database" is more than a name and address of an individual or company. It is a collection of customer and prospect information from all contact points. Contact points include in part:

B2B Marketing List

Search Engine Marketing visitors to your site (that left some contact information)

Inbound telephone

Direct Mail Responses

Sales orders-on or off line

Prospects: website visitors, catalog requests, BRC's responses, post cards for additional information, subscribers, past customers etc.

Responses from Infomercials

A marketing database collects and organizes this information and has at least the following pieces of information:

B2B Data List



Telephone number

Source of customer or lead

Email address

Ongoing sales information related to each contact/purchase-(date of sale, sale amount, number of purchases, skus purchased)

A unique identifier for each record on the database

Responses (and their key codes identifying the specific campaign and media) from all campaigns linked back to the specific recipient.

Having this information, you can begin to develop multiple initiatives. They are designed around the data collected to improve marketing initiatives, and identify historical customer value to your organization. These are not mutually exclusive. The more analysis you perform improves future marketing campaigns. These initiatives fall into two broad categories:

List segmentation for marketing campaigns

Customer analysis of data

List Segmentation

Segmentation by Sales -conduct an analysis by RFM-Recency, Frequency and Monetary variables. These are three metrics found on any transactional database. Having this kind of analysis will identify the old "80/20" rule. 80 per cent of your sales come from 20 percent of your customers. Identifying who they are and having the ability of scientifically selecting them saves a lot of wasted advertising dollars.

  Select by trigger event-maintain and update RFM information on each customer. Evaluate the change in behavior month-to-month. If there is a decrease at a set amount, say 10%, pro-actively create marketing programs to change the customer's behavior.

Segment by Communication Channel response information to identify best customer or channels of communication. For example, you can evaluate ROI by channel. You might find that a two step lead generation and telephone follow-up produces a higher ROI than mailing a large catalog for an immediate sale.

B2B Marketing Lead List

Data Analysis

Use analytical information to pro actively trigger marketing campaigns. For example, update your RFM scores. Based on the customer's historic value, create a VIP club with sliding scale of rewards. The more valuable customers receive greater rewards

Overlay demographic or firmagraphic information onto your marketing database. Identify customer penetration by demographic or firmagraphic criteria. When I worked at a b-t-b catalog marketing company, we overlayed SIC code and employee size data. I found that there were significant pockets of customers in SIC codes other that our core groups. Based on this profiling, I looked for advertising vehicles reaching the uncovered SIC's.

For more sophisticate analytical procedures, conduct a model to predict behavior. You will need a specialist for this who understands statistics and data. The beauty of this procedure is that you are able to predict behavior and identify the likelihood with a certain degree of probability that action will take place. You can select only those customers or prospects most likely to exhibit that behavior. This saves you a lot of money because your advertising dollars are spent on those people most likely interested in your service.

B2B Data

The size of your customer base and your technology budget will determine your database software needs. For many small companies, a MS Access database is sufficient. You have to know database technology to properly set it up. Access databases can easily accommodate several hundred thousand records.

In summary, you can lose sight of the key components needed for marketing in Web 2.0. You need a professionally designed website, email communication, direct mail AND a database to maintain a logical order of all of this valuable marketing information. Without a database to analyze the data, you could be spending a lot of advertising unwisely.

EBM Direct Marketing Services LLC's focus maximizing a company's customer revenue base. By incorporating online and offline marketing solutions, we increase customer revenue through a combination of data driven, analytical and quantifiable solutions and long term branding through branded items achieving the highest top line sales returning the optimum return on investment.

B2B Data List

In today's world, direct marketers frequently talk about getting the right message to the right person at the right time using the appropriate channel. The fact is, very few marketers are really living up to this ideal. But it is possible. Your marketing database provides the ideal framework to make this vision a reality, using one, or a blend, of several different approaches.

Promotion History

Are you using your marketing database to manage and track your promotion history? Promotion history impacts many areas of your marketing: list fatigue, previous list inclusion and exclusion, suppressions, ROI reporting, responder profiling, testing, multi-channel marketing, cadence optimization, and managing chronic non-responders.

B2B Direct Mail List

If you want to optimize your database marketing efforts, you must be serious about tracking and using your promotion history. Ultimately, effective promotion history management will result in increased response rates, improved ROI, and reduction of wasted dollars on non-performing campaigns. Your promotion history is important and is a valuable data asset. It plays a key role in your database marketing efforts and can improve your marketing performance in a variety of ways if properly applied.

Touch Tracking

B2B Email Marketing List

If you do not know who, how often, and which channel(s) you are using to market to your customers, it is nearly inevitable that you will over-market to them. And this will likely impact your best customers. There are consequences to this fatigue. Your customers may tune you out, and if you saturate them with overwhelming, non-relevant communication, they may globally opt-out from all of your marketing communications. In the worst of cases, they may even take to social media saying how much they used to like your company and products, but they now complain for the world to see.

B2B Leads

This is an easy fate to avoid. Use your marketing database to track each and every marketing touch. When building a campaign, use your touch history to suppress customers who may be at risk of over-marketing. Effective management of promotion and touch history will ensure happier, more loyal customers and help you strengthen relationships with your best customers.

B2B Mailing List

Precise Selections

Precisely select your campaign recipients. Choose from a wide range of selects, including selects based on various RFM parameters, purchasing trends, demographic & lifestyle selects, or predictive model segments. Your marketing database provides you the framework to execute each of these or combinations of these to properly refine your selects.

Segment Testing

You probably have ideas about different offers, creative, or content. You can use your marketing database to build segments for each of these, with corresponding control groups, to try out and test your ideas. This tool provides the framework to ponder, test, execute, measure, and improve.

Preference Capture

Often, marketers capture information from customers on communication channel preferences or product offer preferences, only to find there is no easy way to manage this information and act on it. Use your marketing database to capture, maintain, and act on this valuable information. Your customers are telling you what they want, how they want it, and when they want it. Use this tool to personalize and meet their needs.

Automated List Outputs

B2B Marketing List

Perhaps you have a true and tried list pull that you want to use repeatedly. The applications for this type of list output are virtually unlimited. Maybe you want to send your customers a birthday email, a text message to brand new customers, or an automatic upsell offer for customers purchasing a specific product or series of products. Whatever the case, use your marketing database to automatically, easily, and efficiently output these lists in an ideally timed manner.

B2B Sales Leads

Whether you run a retail shop, an accounting firm, a caterer, a health club, or virtually any small business, your database of customers and prospects will be a key to your business success. In an era of brutal competition and information overload, such a database is the easiest and least expensive way to maintain a direct relationship with the group of people most critical to the health of the company.

Think of your database as the fuel in your marketing engine, enabling you to run targeted direct mail, e-mail and telemarketing campaigns. These are the marketing and advertising programs that keep your good customers coming back, bring in new ones and, when they work as planned, increase your sales revenues and profits.

B2B Database

Perhaps you are like many businesses owners I talk to who have yet to invest the time and effort required to have a basic customer and prospect database. Or, you started one in the past that is now woefully out of date. This can be costly in the form of forgone revenue and profit.


How to Get Started with Your Marketing Database

The computing technology that most of us use every day has made it cheaper and easier than ever to store the names, addresses, emails and phone numbers of people who buy from you now, or are likely to buy from you in the future. Then you are able to keep your name in front of them, invite them back, entice them with special offers, and reward them for their loyalty.

Depending on the business you are in, there are myriad options for collecting the contact details required to stay in touch, whether it be in your POS system, on an invoice, business card or cocktail napkin. Here are some steps to get started:

Take note of when and how other businesses collect contact information from you. When have you felt it to be an intrusion, and when have you been glad to share it; why?

Review the various touch points between your business and your customers, and also your potential new customers. Consider the opportunities for collecting or confirming their information: at check-out, on a support call, on the web, at the end of the sales meeting. Pick at least one.

Make the collection of contact information an integrated part of the selected interaction(s), and teach your staff to do it the same way, every time.

B2B Data

Store the information immediately into a contact database like Act! ($184 for 10 users) or ($5 per user, per month for basic contact management). Doing so uniformly and in a timely manner will give you the ability to market your company with precision and for far less money as your database grows. Having to go back and clean up and de-dupe data later on is a costly, messy endeavor, so set it up right from the beginning.

If you don't have one, develop a marketing plan for the coming year. Keep it simple - one page may be just fine - and list the campaigns you plan to run using the database, including e-mail, direct mail, and phone. Also estimate the work effort, hard dollar costs and other resources required, and how you plan to measure effectiveness.

Generating Leads from Your Web Site

B2B Data List

Your company websites may already be a generating a steady source of fresh contacts. But many businesses find that generating web leads is not as easy as it first sounds. You need to invest in a site that appeals to your target market, usually through interactivity, relevant content, and great design. In addition, the site should be optimized with keywords so your target audience finds you on Google and other search engines. Tech-savvy people can do this successfully on their own using a tool such as WordTracker ($59/month). Another option is to outsource search-engine optimization (known as SEO) to a company such as AdzZoo or HubSpot.

Once you have been able to generate the web traffic and are seeing a steady flow of leads, the data can be automatically added into your database by most web site content management systems.

E-Mail Marketing with Your Database

If you plan to do regular e-mail marketing, an e-mail marketing service can also collect and store the data for you. If you really want this to look professional and to generate results, use one of these services, such as Constant Contact, Vertical Response, AWeber (normally under $40 per month). These services are more than worth the cost for 99% of business because they save so much time, and they keep you in compliance with anti-spamming laws and norms.

B2B Email Marketing List

Perhaps most importantly, give someone on your staff the responsibility for necessary data entry and management of a top quality database. This is a critical step because a profitable database is something that grows over time. Ensure that this person or people have the proper tools, clear quality criteria, and make it part of their performance evaluation and bonus equation.

B2B Marketing List

A marketing database contains the contact information for people who visited your site voluntarily, found something useful, and took action like downloading an e-book is extremely valuable. Such a database represents people who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer and are looking for the types of services or products you provide.

This is what we refer to as an "organic marketing database", that is, one that you grew yourself. Growing a marketing database organically for email marketing is a critical component of an overall inbound marketing strategy.

B2B Email List

Companies who are able to execute a good inbound marketing strategy tend to do three things a little bit better than other companies:

Identify appropriate keywords.

Produce content that draws traffic.

Leverage calls to action (CTA's).


Keywords are the foundation of an inbound marketing strategy. The best keywords are relevant, have lower competition, have high traffic and result in potential buyers. All four qualifications are required. Getting 1,000 page views per day from visitors who are not interested in your offerings (not relevant) is not useful to you or to them. Working to get a first page ranking on a keyword where there is too much competition is a waste of your time and energy. So is achieving a first page ranking on keywords that generate little traffic or that attract "tire-kickers".

Blog/Product and Service Pages (Content)

B2B Mailing List

Your website consists of all of your pages, including your product or service descriptions and your blog. Companies that have developed an inbound marketing strategy recognize that every page must serve two purposes. First, it must be great content that is useful and enjoyable for the consumer. Secondly, it must be found. Therefore, it must leverage the identified keywords.

The first step towards having great content is to have enough of it! Many organizations underestimate the value of having a site with lots of content - that is, lots of pages. The more pages you have with relevant keywords the more traffic you will generate, and the more opportunities you will have to grow a marketing database.

B2B Marketing List

That is why companies are taking time to write useful blogs. Each blog post is a webpage that can be found by the world. Again though, the world will soon ignore you if they find irrelevant or boring content. The same applies to all the other pages in your website. The more relevant content you have, the better it is, and the more appropriately you leverage keywords, the more chances you have to be found.

Calls to Action

B2B Sales Leads

Imagine you are a real estate agent and have a $1 million house to sell. You set up an open house and through extensive marketing efforts and lots of advertising, you generate traffic of one thousand people walking through that house on a sunny Sunday afternoon.

Imagine now that you just have them walk through the house with no calls to action. I.e. you do provide an opportunity for interested people to leave their names, email addresses or phone numbers. No real estate agent would ever consider doing this!

B2B Database

This idea applies to your website. Growing a marketing database organically as part of an overall inbound marketing strategy requires that you let interested people leave their names and email addresses.

The best way to capture that information is to offer the visitors many different calls to action. For example, people who are at early stages of their search may be interested in downloading an e-paper. People a bit further along may be interested in a demo. Inviting them to take action which requires that they leave some information is the best way to capture these leads.

Doing these three things well will help you grow your email marketing database organically, continually improving the performance of online marketing.

Simply put a marketing database is a list of customer information compiled into a list in which you can send information about your products, services and current sales promotions. There are many avenues that can be used to collect customer information. A business must be very careful in collecting customer information.

Business Contact Details

Collecting Customer Information

People in general do not like receiving "junk mail." That also includes "Spam" through e-mail. By building a solid customer database a business can avoid sending junk mail or Spam. Privacy is taken very seriously around the world. Most countries have privacy laws governing what can be done with customer information.

A Privacy Policy is essential for both a "bricks and mortar" business as well as Internet businesses. Explaining to customers that their information is secure and will not be sold will build trust and confidence in your company.

One way to collect customer information is through surveys. These can be in the form of customer satisfaction surveys or new customer surveys. You might want to offer a gift for answering the questions. The gift does not have to be extravagant.

Business Contact List

A business can also collect information if it has a website and has a sign-up page for customers or has a checkout system. Of course there is the direct mail approach. Your company can send out a general marketing survey. The drawbacks to this method are; Higher cost, and longer return and process time. After receiving the surveys, the processing time will be lengthy, as the information must be entered into the database. One suggestion is to hire an outside firm that specializes in database management and surveys. It is easy to find these companies on the Internet.

Another way to build a database is to purchase mailing lists. Many people will put their names and addresses on opportunity list because they want to receive information a business is sending.

Business Data

Putting Customer Information to Good Use

Once a business has its database built and sorted, there are many ways to use it to get the valuable information to customers.

Direct Marketing is a tried and true way. With this method the business sends out a mailing to its customers about a special or sale the business is running. When the business sends out their mailers, it is a good idea to include a coupon with a specific amount of savings. The savings can be in monetary form such as $10 or as a percentage like 20%.

There are some definite advantages to using direct mail for small business. One is the small business owner can manage the cost of the campaign. You can start out with a modest mailing in the beginning. This will allow you to gauge the response you receive. Remember, you do not want to be overwhelmed by the response. That would cause a worst disaster than zero response. This is one instance where "too much is better than too little" is not desired. You do not want to damage customer relations before they can happen.

Email marketing is another great way to use your database. There are numerous websites that can help you plan an email campaign. You might even want to invest in a program that let's you design your campaigns. The easiest way to find these companies is do a web search. Type in the words "email marketing campaign" and you will get many results. Usually the first ten are the most popular. Make sure to visit more than one site before you make a decision. Many of these companies will offer a free trial or a low monthly fee.

Business Email Addresses

In conclusion, customers are the life-blood of any business. Small business must use customer information wisely to compete with the large corporations. By building and maintaining a good marketing database the small business will be able to know the wants and needs of its customers. By using this database to offer customers special sales or services the business will continue to grow.

Business Leads

Kathy Rupert is a freelance writer and business consultant. She has had over thirty-five years experience in the business field. Kathy has a degree in Business Administration and Management with an emphasis on small business and customer service.

A Guide to Securing Guest Posts Through Guest Blogging

Business Lists


Nowadays, every business is striving incredibly hard to get ahead and be more noticeable than all the rest of the competitors. It is a natural thing to aim for as the more they stand out, the more customers will be drawn in that may not only purchase their products and services, they may also keep coming back for more. This is an ideal situation that can allow businesses to create an untainted and unmarred reputation that would only act as a nudge for others to purchase their offerings as well. If you have a business that you are mixing your sweat and blood for just to see it reach the top, guest blogging could be your ultimate solution. Giving it a fair shot and utilizing enough effort could truly give it the boost that it needs.

Business Mailing List

What Is Guest Posting:

If you have a strong marketing campaign and you are working hard to maintain an online presence that is all well and good. It is a good way of luring in customers through these tricks are applied by most businesses so how can you ensure you use a different route altogether to make your business far more noticeable? The answer is pretty simple. You can simply use guest posting to get your job done. Now you will not only have to rely on your own followers. You can have your content be promoted on another website that may not be yours but does have a sizeable amount of followers. Since they would have already built a concrete base for themselves, you will not have to do much except submit content that is interesting enough to capture the attention of their followers. This will directly lead them to your website and if all goes well they just might be your long-term customers that you may be able to retain.

Business Marketing Data

What Are The Pros Of Guest Blogging:

Guest blogging has more benefits than you might initially have in mind. It can help you build brand awareness. A lot of times people have a need for the kind of products or services that you sell but simply do not know that your brand exists and cannot approach you for it. Using this method, they can find out the name of your business as well as your offerings that just may linger in their minds later on. This means that you cannot only try to entice your current audience but also the new one as well. If you provide enough quality, you just may be able to build relationships with them that last for a pretty long time and can have mutual benefits going both ways. This is also a way of securing new backlinks that generally aim to make your website appear more relevant and legitimate and push it up to a higher ranking. This will drive in more traffic as well because when people look up something relevant on Google, your website will be among the top ones present, allowing them to click on it. Once they are there, they may find your content appealing enough to subscribe and be added to your email list. They may also proceed to follow you which would further elevate your popularity to new heights.

Business Sales Leads

Identify Your Goals:

If you are wondering just how to get started using this method, the very first step is to pinpoint what exactly you are trying to achieve through guest blogging. This way you can be specific about the route that you want to take in order to arrive promptly at your destination. You may want to generate more leads and reach out to a different set of audience. You could also want to increase your customer engagement or display your skills and superior expertise to those in the industry. Whichever it is you must identify it so that you can move on to the next step.

International Sales Leads

Find Relevant Sites Where You Can Guest Post:

The next step will consist of you actually being on the lookout for the kind of guest sites that are relevant and also have a pretty good customer base. This way you can ensure that your content can reach a maximum number of people who can then generate interest in your offerings. Using certain tools you may enter a target site and you will be provided with an entire list of sites that have a similar audience as the one your target site has. This will ensure that they are not just any random people off the Internet but rather people who have high chances of finding your products desirable.

B2B Leads

Come Up With Good Content To Post:

After conducting an ample amount of research on the guest site that you want to use as well as convincing them to post your content, you must focus on what you want to write. It must be captivating enough to appeal to most of the people in the audience. One way you can ensure that your content is worthy of being read is by adding keywords that people generally look up. This may heighten their interest and have them reading ahead. Explain just how your offerings will benefit them as customers usually try to look for things that will provide them value. If the title or subject line is interesting, you can reel in more people, as they will be caught right into your trap. Personalized touches are also a good way of ensuring that people feel that you are speaking directly to them rather than using a classic template. 

B2B Mailing List


Once you are all set with some compelling lines to captivate readers and manage to find ideal guest sites to promote your business, the rest will naturally fall into place. All you need to do is maintain a certain level of quality so that customers can remain interested in what you have to offer rather than making a one-time purchase.

Top 10 Social Media Exchange Sites


It comes as no surprise at all that social media has reined in such impressive popularity that it will be exceptionally hard to leave this stage behind for something new. It has made lives for both customers and businesses all the easier. Everyone seeks to gain some form of advantage from it as it offers a plethora of uses that provide unlimited value to those who avail them. If you want to dig deep into its benefits and gain more of a following by people by increasing the likes and comments on your account, we can help you do it. Social media exchange sites can allow you to increase your level of popularity with ease by allotting tasks that you will have to complete in exchange for getting more likes and comments. Here are 10 of such exchange sites listed for you to give a look and consider.

1. FollowLike:

If you start looking for the best exchange sites, this one will definitely pop up as one of the more highly ranked ones and for good reason. Your social media statistics will be soaring and leaping as the SEO tools and backlinks used by FollowLike can give you the kind of traffic you really need. Whether it means free Twitter followers, Facebook likes, or even a superior ranking of your website on Google this is an option you simply need to try out in order to make sure that your business flourishes to the extreme. It is not even just limited to these aspects. If you happen to have your own videos, music, or blogs that you need an inflow of traffic for, you can even opt for that and it will get it done.

2. Like4Like:
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If you want an exchange site that you can trust and will provide you with the following that you need, Like4Like is an ideal choice to make use of. They will not demand your social media accounts' passwords or anything of the sort that might make you feel uncomfortable. You will also not have to worry about any tweets or posts shared by them from your account or even various kinds of bots to show up. Everything will be done cleanly and with the utmost level of professionalism that you may require.

3. AddMeFast:

The name of the social media exchange site itself is a clear indication of it providing you with the required level of followers, tweets, and likes incredibly fast. It is fairly easy to register and it will be completely up to you who you might want to follow, like, or subscribe to. The skip option is present to be able to avoid going for the accounts that you lack an interest in.

4. Link Collider:

If you have an online business that is in dire need of promotion or a website or blog that really needs to be discovered to get it up and running properly, this exchange site will make it happen. One of its most distinctive qualities is the free SEO tools that it will provide you with so you can optimize your content in a way that it can get a maximum number of hits when people look up for it. You can also be paired with other site owners so that you can promote each other’s content on your own websites and be rewarded not only with increased traffic but also a higher ranking on the search engines.

5. Traffup: 
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The currency to be used in Traffup’s game is points. Without them, you cannot hope to make this work out well. If you have more points, users will definitely follow you or give your page a look for sure. One way of getting these valuable points is if you visit someone else's page that is also listed on Traffup. As long as you have a few on your account, it will stay there, ready to be viewed and visited.

6. YouLikeHits:
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Whether you have Twitter, Facebook, SoundCloud, etc. you can definitely expect it to get the popularity it needs using this exchange site. Since it is completely free and easy to use, you will not have to be worried about any hassles as you start the process of vamping up your likes and comments.

7. FanSlave:

If you thought that a higher following on Twitter or Facebook was all you would be getting here, you were wrong. You can even get paid using this website that will allow you to get credits for checking out the FanSlave pages after registering. Once you have those, you can actually cash them in and score some extra money.

8. LikesPlanet:

LikesPlanet is entirely safe and will cause no troubles for you as you venture on the journey of accumulating a greater number of likes, comments, and followers. This website promises the complete absence of bots so you will not have to spare a thought to that. You can get thousands of shares and plays depending on how invested you are.
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9. Shareyt:

Social media marketing for businesses can be made all the easier using Shareyt that allows your business to get more of an exposure and potential customer boost to get its traffic level up. With just a few clicks, you can get backlinks and SEO tools that can help your business gain popularity and increase its level of authority too.

10. SocialClerks:

If you are an artist looking for your work to be discovered by more people or an online business owner trying to strengthen your social media presence through the generation of more retweets and likes, this site will help you. You will definitely find a noticeable change in your profile once you start implementing its strategies and the bonus point is how awesome its graphics are as well. 
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Wanting to increase popularity on social media for various purposes is nothing new, as the idea seems appealing to those who want to go viral or appear cooler. These exchange sites are the perfect medium through which you can get just what you want and get the best results. 

Definitive Guide To Guest Posting And Blogger Outreach

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Businesses are starting to realize just how important it is to have a website or page of their own up and running. As people are turning more towards online means to discover new brands and explore their offerings, this is an option that can simply not be ignored. However, just making a website will not get your entire job done. The next step is to ensure that people actually visit the website so that the traffic can keep increasing, adding to the popularity of the page. This part is not as easy as one might think. Though there are several options you can consider to fight your way up, guest posting happens to be a handy one that can help you get increased traffic for sure if you do it right.

What Is Blogger Outreach:

Blogger outreach poses mutual benefits for both the writer and the publisher. It is a way of increasing backlinks so that other websites can link to yours and drive in more traffic. You must reach out to a blogger who already has a fair share of people in their following list and preferably the same kind of crowd that your page does so that there is a chance they might be interested.  Once you write quality content and the blogger publishes it on their website, your content will be exposed to their audience as well. The publisher will get great content that can keep their site fresh as ever for the followers whereas you will be able to reach out to a completely new crowd while also increasing your authority in Google's list. It is a win-win situation that is hard to pass up on if you do end up finding a worthy site to post your content on.
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Why Should One Go For Blogger Outreach:

Guest posting is an obvious benefit that you can be graced with if you go for blogger outreach. They will most likely post a link on their accounts or website that will directly link back to yours. Google happens to give certain ranking to pages based on how many other websites are linked back to them. If you have more backlinks, you have a good chance of getting your website to be on the very top whenever people search for relevant content. This is because it will assure Google that since so many websites are directing traffic to yours, it must be an important website with a great deal of quality to offer. Another thing to consider here is building relationships. This has more to do with the bloggers and other people working in the same industry than the customers that you are trying to attract. If you try to do this online, it can save you costs and be the start of a new budding working relationship that both sides can benefit from in the long-term. The more you connect with them, the more chances there are for each of you helping the other when the time arises. This way you can have access to an entirely different audience and they might too if they need to reach out to yours. Since they would be in the same industry, they may even be able to help you out with your other marketing campaigns. 
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Things To Consider Before Reaching Out To A Blogger:

Clearly, you will not just go up to any random blogger on the Internet and have them put up your content on their blog. This is a meticulous process that has several pros and cons, which is why you need to be careful about how you go about it. The very first thing to consider is whether they are even active on social media and get engagement from their followers. If they are not even able to entice them and grasp their interest, how will you be able to do the same through their platform? They must also have a website that they keep updating on a consistent basis in an attempt to keep it fresh and appealing for those that visit it. Once a website gets dry, it is no longer appealing for people to visit it as they will know that they will not find any content there so they would not see yours coming either. You also might not be the first person to reach out to them to request them to post another business's content. They might already have gone ahead with guest posting several times. This is not necessarily an endearing point since your content in particular will not be able to stand out above the rest and captivate their interest enough for them to click on the link leading to your website.
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How To Find Worthy Bloggers For Promotion:

When it comes to finding worthy bloggers in general, it is not a tough task. However, if you want to find those that happen to be in the same niche as you while also meeting the requirements you set, that may be far more challenging than you might expect. Search tools can help you find out the names of the relevant blogs that you might have an interest in. Do not select any single one without doing your proper research so you can get the best results out of it while also building a relationship worth maintaining over a long period of time.
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Guest posting and blogger outreach can definitely be your saving grace if your website has been unsuccessful in grasping the attention of a large audience so far. As long as you are meticulous about what kind of requirements you are setting, you should be able to find a blog that has a pretty good fan following that just might be extended to yours. This way you can kill two birds with one stone as not only will you be driving in more traffic, your website’s ranking will also keep improving. 
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A Guide to Securing Guest Posts Through Guest Blogging

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Nowadays, every business is striving incredibly hard to get ahead and be more noticeable than all the rest of the competitors. It is a natural thing to aim for as the more they stand out, the more customers will be drawn in that may not only purchase their products and services, they may also keep coming back for more. This is an ideal situation that can allow businesses to create an untainted and unmarred reputation that would only act as a nudge for others to purchase their offerings as well. If you have a business that you are mixing your sweat and blood for just to see it reach the top, guest blogging could be your ultimate solution. Giving it a fair shot and utilizing enough effort could truly give it the boost that it needs.
What Is Guest Posting:

If you have a strong marketing campaign and you are working hard to maintain an online presence that is all well and good. It is a good way of luring in customers through these tricks are applied by most businesses so how can you ensure you use a different route altogether to make your business far more noticeable? The answer is pretty simple. You can simply use guest posting to get your job done. Now you will not only have to rely on your own followers. You can have your content be promoted on another website that may not be yours but does have a sizeable amount of followers. Since they would have already built a concrete base for themselves, you will not have to do much except submit content that is interesting enough to capture the attention of their followers. This will directly lead them to your website and if all goes well they just might be your long-term customers that you may be able to retain.
What Are The Pros Of Guest Blogging:

Guest blogging has more benefits than you might initially have in mind. It can help you build brand awareness. A lot of times people have a need for the kind of products or services that you sell but simply do not know that your brand exists and cannot approach you for it. Using this method, they can find out the name of your business as well as your offerings that just may linger in their minds later on. This means that you cannot only try to entice your current audience but also the new one as well. If you provide enough quality, you just may be able to build relationships with them that last for a pretty long time and can have mutual benefits going both ways. This is also a way of securing new backlinks that generally aim to make your website appear more relevant and legitimate and push it up to a higher ranking. This will drive in more traffic as well because when people look up something relevant on Google, your website will be among the top ones present, allowing them to click on it. Once they are there, they may find your content appealing enough to subscribe and be added to your email list. They may also proceed to follow you which would further elevate your popularity to new heights.

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Identify Your Goals:

If you are wondering just how to get started using this method, the very first step is to pinpoint what exactly you are trying to achieve through guest blogging. This way you can be specific about the route that you want to take in order to arrive promptly at your destination. You may want to generate more leads and reach out to a different set of audience. You could also want to increase your customer engagement or display your skills and superior expertise to those in the industry. Whichever it is you must identify it so that you can move on to the next step.

Find Relevant Sites Where You Can Guest Post:

The next step will consist of you actually being on the lookout for the kind of guest sites that are relevant and also have a pretty good customer base. This way you can ensure that your content can reach a maximum number of people who can then generate interest in your offerings. Using certain tools you may enter a target site and you will be provided with an entire list of sites that have a similar audience as the one your target site has. This will ensure that they are not just any random people off the Internet but rather people who have high chances of finding your products desirable.

Come Up With Good Content To Post:
After conducting an ample amount of research on the guest site that you want to use as well as convincing them to post your content, you must focus on what you want to write. It must be captivating enough to appeal to most of the people in the audience. One way you can ensure that your content is worthy of being read is by adding keywords that people generally look up. This may heighten their interest and have them reading ahead. Explain just how your offerings will benefit them as customers usually try to look for things that will provide them value. If the title or subject line is interesting, you can reel in more people, as they will be caught right into your trap. Personalized touches are also a good way of ensuring that people feel that you are speaking directly to them rather than using a classic template. 
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Once you are all set with some compelling lines to captivate readers and manage to find ideal guest sites to promote your business, the rest will naturally fall into place. All you need to do is maintain a certain level of quality so that customers can remain interested in what you have to offer rather than making a one-time purchase.

Learn The Basics For Quality Link Building For SEO

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With billions of people scouring the Internet and billions of websites in place as a reprieve for the curious souls, how can one truly stand out? It seems like a bit of an impossible task especially considering the fact that new and innovative ideas are popping up every single day. Every business is in the pursuit of success and gaining a competitive edge over the rest. They have started to realize the actual importance of having a strong and noticeable online presence as the world continues to head towards digitalization. This is why you too likely have a website of your own that contains information about your business and lures in potential customers. While that may be all well and good, you will need to apply certain tactics to catch people’s attention the way other businesses might not be able to. One of the ways of doing that is through quality link building for SEO.

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What Is Link Building:

The most laymen terms that can be used to explain link building is that in order to improve your website’s rank and draw more people in, you need to get other websites to link back to your website. This way even if people are perusing other websites, they may stumble on yours without even actively looking for it. Not only will it inevitably increase traffic by leaps and bounds, it will also make your website appear more legitimate and increase its authority. This is because it is a direct signal to Google that your website contains significance and relevance which is exactly why it should rank much higher than the other competitive pages. It is no wonder then that they are so popular when it comes to search engine optimization. Despite the inherent complexity of Google’s algorithms, such tools can help you stay ahead in the game and reel in success.

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Why Is Link Building Important:

This metric or standard has been made use of for several decades now and it still results as a measurement of just how important different pages are. It is no secret that competition has truly vamped up in recent years. More and more businesses have been popping up with similar products or services to offer to the same group of customers. Whichever of them succeeds in enticing them the most may end up beating the rest. This can occur by first letting customers know about the presence of the business and once it is well-known, leads must be generated and a good reputation must be maintained so that customer trust increase. Inevitably, it will result in a higher number of sales that is ideal for a business. This all may be achieved by building links that will give allow Google and in turn the customers to give more preference to your website as opposed to those belonging to others. Another factor to consider is that to achieve it, you must reach out to other websites and blogs that are relevant to the industry that you are a part of. This can help you build significant, long-term relationships with them that just may end up being quite beneficial in the future. If it is that well-known across the industry, it will only add to your good reputation that can help you achieve a greater level of customer trust as well.
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Followed vs. Nofollowed Links:

We have established by now that links can determine how many people visit a website by making it more popular if it has a higher ranking. However, this situation may also be vice versa if links give an indication that one should not open a website as it is not trustworthy enough. These are known as nofollow links that serve their own unique purposes. This is not exactly aimed at users as they have a harder time differentiating between follow and nofollow links and may proceed to check it out anyway. However, it does signal Google that they should probably not rank it too high and to even discount it from any sort of consideration because the person with the website themselves do not trust it. As Wikipedia pages can be edited, they just may be included in this category. It may also apply to forum posts and blog comments because regular people add in their own inputs and opinions that do not make it all that reliable. 
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How To Make Various Sites Link Back To Yours:

If you are excited at the prospect of having the chance to be in the lead yet do not really know how to get there, here are some ways that you can get sites to link back to yours. Influencer marketing is turning out to be pretty popular these days since they tend to have a sizeable fan following that businesses can take advantage of. If you partner up with influencers and bloggers to promote your products and services, they will put up links that will inevitably direct potential customers to your page. People you know like your colleagues as well as friends may also be able to help you out here. Since they would have their own contacts and circles, they could promote your page by linking theirs with yours. The more relevant their pages are and if they belong to the same industry, the more chances you have of driving in traffic.
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Quality link building is absolutely vital when it comes to search engine optimization as it can directly impact what ranking your website has. By making use of such tools you can rest assured that your business will be able to compete rather well and even get a shot at being in the very lead. Once customers get directed to your website through these links, it is your job to have interesting content that can grip their attention and hold it there. This way you may be able to retain them along with acquiring them.
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The Best Free Email Accounts And Service Providers For 2020

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Emails may not be the newest innovation when it comes to marketing but they are undoubtedly still in fashion. Whether you need it to generate leads to increase sales, improve networking, notify employees about meetings, or hire people emails are required on a daily basis to get important work done. Sending and receiving mails is made a whole lot easier with the use of email service providers. Businesses do not always have enough time to be able to focus on every single detail when it comes to emails, as they have to even send hundreds of them every day at times. This is where email service providers (ESP) come in to provide templates in varying kinds and a convenient way of keeping track of the level of engagement while also managing the contact list. 

1. Gmail:

Does it really astonish anyone to know that Gmail tops the list hands-down? It is a platform through which you can send and get emails with the greatest convenience. If you want to add any attachments like pictures, links, and documents you can do it and have them delivered to the recipient in the blink of an eye. Simply installing it in your phone and keeping the notifications on will allow you to know the very second someone sends you an email. It does not even limit users to just indulge in emailing. Direct access to Hangouts can let you talk to other users very easily while also exchanging videos and calls that show just how flexible and versatile it is. The best part is that it is all for free so you can enjoy the various features present without spending a single cent.

2. OutLook:
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If you want an email service provider that can help you be productive, this is the one to go for. The level of security that it offers cannot be doubted in the least, as it will keep all your emails completely private. One of its most redeeming features is that it can easily connect to apps like Facebook, PayPal, PowerPoint, and other such apps that you may need to be productive. You would not even need to leave the app to access them. Additionally, the calendar option available makes it a whole lot easier to keep track of events and schedule appointments.

3. HubSpot:

As an email marketer, people know the importance of personalizing emails so that the customer is more tempted to open the emails and go through them. This option is presented in this email service provider that you can make use of to give it your own touches. The fact that it will also give you the choice of select templates is also tempting as you will not need a designer or have to upgrade your skills to make it look appealing. HubSpot will simply do it for you. As CRM is also being made use of recently to ensure more convenience, HubSpot will permit sending emails using CRM as well.

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4. ProtonMail:

ProtonMail promises the highest level of security without making you give them any personal details of your own that truly makes it one worth going for. The fact that it has end-to-end encryption cannot be ignored as it just may put your mind at ease if you are worried about privacy. Not only will no one else lay eyes on the emails if you do not want them to, but they will also vanish after a month for added protection. Despite it being webmail, you will not need to install the software to have access to it. You can use it on any device you want and in order to make things even simpler for you, there are color-coded labels that can help you categorize emails according to their level of importance.

5. iCloud Mail:
If you are a Mac user this email service provider should be even more appealing to you as it will allow you to connect all your devices. You can easily sync any pictures or videos that you might have taken so it will lessen any hassles you might dread if they are stored in your phone but you need to send them through your Mac in a hurry. Since Apple has introduced this, you can rest assured that they would have kept all kinds of email clients in mind so it will work effortlessly for all your email related purposes.
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6. AOL:

AOL is webmail that is ideal for the kind of people who rely on email to communicate on a regular basis. Provided by Verizon Communications, this email service provider aims to maintain the satisfaction of its users by having an uncomplicated interface that you can figure out with ease even if you are new to it. One aspect that truly makes it stand out above most of the email service providers is that it provides unlimited storage that you can utilize.

7. Yahoo Mail:
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Everyone has pretty much heard of Yahoo that ended up being fairly popular quite some time ago. Anyone can use it without any problem, as its signup process is incredibly easy and uncomplicated. If you receive emails almost every single day and need to be able to look for specific attachments like videos and images in your list, Yahoo provides you with the ability to look for key information without any hassles. The cherry on top is the massive amount of storage it will provide which is a total of 1 TB.

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Email service providers are clearly in demand as businesses are making use of email marketing. Not even just that, but people need to maintain order internally itself by scheduling meetings for employees or keeping them updated about any changes occurring. Email is one of the fastest ways of doing that, which is why it is important that platforms provide people with easy and convenient access that does not take up much of their time. 
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